Programs > <The Magic Harmonica Ensemble Family Concert>

<The Magic Harmonica Ensemble Family Concert>

2024-01-26 - 2024-01-27

Duration: 60mins

Series:Baby Loves Music

People Suitable:5+


Perform Type:Concert

Venue| Sine New Space•Studio Theatre Type | Concert Duration | 60mins Age Recommended | 5+ Performance | The Magic Harmonica Ensemble Small Harmonica, Big Volume



The Harmonica is one of the smallest musical instruments, which is also known as "the piano in the pocket". It seems that you can eat it in one bite. In the hands of The Magic Harmonica Ensemble, they are more like magic wands endowed with magical energy. In this New Year concert, children and families will experience various types and styles of music and diverse musical performances such as “The Little Mermaid”, “Pokémon”, “La La Land”, etc., with the professional coordination of chromatic harmonica, bass harmonica and chord harmonica. Children will also encounter the opportunity to become little "pocket explorer" and start a gorgeous musical adventure in the "Magic Harmonica Academy"!